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Weather radar observations

Weather radar is the primary means of obtaining information about cloudiness, precipitation and related severe weather phenomena.

Short-range weather forecasts and storm warnings obtained on the basis of radar observations are widely used for meteorological support of transport (air and ground) and the infrastructure of large cities and industrial centers.

For automating the process of observations and collecting of data IRAM offers automated meteorological complexes AMRC

The value of radar data greatly increases when combining data from several radars and construction of composite (cross-linked) charts. It is possible to monitor the development of weather processes in synoptic-scale (atmospheric fronts, squall lines, the zone of precipitation) with a period of updating information each 30-60 minutes

Composite map

For the construction of composite maps IRAM has developed MARS workstation. WS«MARS»

For the exchange of radar data IRAM uses International code FM94 BUFR ('Binary Universal Form for Data Representation - FM 94 BUFR - Collected papers and specification' European center for medium - range weather forecasts, February 1988), that allows to receive the data for composite charts from different radars.

Currently, the WS «MARS» receives and processes the data from the following automated radar systems: AMRS «Meteor-MeteoCell», AMRS «MeteoCell», ACS «SCLC», «AKSOPRI».

For the exchange of radar data Global Telecommunication System (GTS) is used (in Russia, the network Mecom, protocol TCP/IP). Using standard protocols and existing channels of communication the Customers avoid additional costs for the transmission of information. Radar information becomes available to all clients with access to channels of WMO GTS. As a backup channel Internet can be used. Each user of the information decides itself what data and radar products are needed. Message routing is performed at the nodes of the GTS WMO.

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